

by Lisa Komine

Stand up together 動き始めた 願い
Whenever, Wherever 新たな旅立ち 迎えよう

失いかけていた Soul 呼び覚ました Confide in you
不確かな未来さえ 信じられる The testify
共にした日々を 一つ、二つと 集め
咲いた ぬくもり 強く 握りしめ

Whenever, Wherever 互いに寄り添い
恐れる事などない 闇が 二人分かつとも
確かな鼓動が そう告げているから
再び出会えるまで 想いよ どうか 君と共に

微かに息づいた Hope 追いかけては Rely on you
不安かき消すように 君を見つけた Tragic fate
ここにいる意味を 強く、強く 噛み締め
背負う 運命 堅く つなぎとめ

Stand up together 互いに手を取り
怯える事などない 光 奪い去られても
重なる想いが 覚えているから
再び出会えるまで 救いよ どうか 君のため

Whenever, Wherever 互いに寄り添い
恐れる事などない 闇が 二人分かつとも
確かな鼓動が そう告げているから
再び出会えるまで 想いよ どうか 君と共に


Stand up together, the wish has begin to stir
Whenever, wherever, let's welcome a new journey

The soul which I had lost had awaken, confide in you
Even the uncertain future can be believed in, the testify
The days we spent together, one by one coming together
Hold on tightly to the warmth that has bloomed.

Whenever, wherever,  we snuggled up into each other
There will be nothing to be afraid of, even of the darkness separates us two,
Because the throbbing of my heart tells me so
Until we are able to meet again, somehow, keep these emotions together with you.

As I sighed softly of hope, chasing after it rely on you.
In order to erase this anxiety, you met with a tragic fate.
The meaning of being here, I have strongly, strongly contemplated
Burden, fate, stubbornly tied together.

Stand up together, as we hold our hands together
There is nothing to be scared of,  even if the light were to be taken away,
Because I am able to remember these intertwined experiences
Until we are able to meet again, somehow, salvation may come for your sake.

Whenever, wherever,  we snuggled up into each other

There will be nothing to be afraid of, even of the darkness separates us two,
Because the throbbing of my heart tells me so
Until we are able to meet again, somehow, keep these emotions together with you.


I think this song fits Gosick very well. <3


Kaleidoscope revisted - in L:R

L : R
5  4  3  2  1...  : a hazy vision
can it be done, the 1 in 5 : pound pound beep beep
straight rows of yellow sodium : bokeh weaving through the trees
can I make it cross the road : red man green man headlights

R : L
white lamps casting harsh shadows : dilapated paths with random joggers
thumping and psh-ing in my ears : the world out there is deadly quiet
focusing on the things in front of me : I can't see clearly beyond my fingers
the endorphins : the adrenaline





I took off my glasses on the way home today,
a midnight ride along the bright streets.
The lights suffused over my visual field,
the sodium yellow, the happy red,
the living green and the neutral amber.
They exploded over each other,
each like a mini firework the size of a coin
overlapping, complementing, accentuating.
Winking at me as they flirted through
the dense leaves and the slender posts,
urging me to join in their dance.
'twas like a fantasy world,
where colours meld into each other
joining together in a mass of festival
all dreamy-like in the bokeh background.

Thoughts: if only I have conscious control over the focus of my eyes... like the focus ring of a camera lens.


Music sense

"Music is one of the ways we make sense of our lives, one of the ways in which we express feelings when we have no words, a way for us to understand things with our hearts when we can't with our minds."


(thanks jx for the wonderful link)



Yes such a shock that the idea is so similar.

*site is not working right now dunno why



It's been a while since I spent a sick day alone at home, rather quiet day spent napping and recovering from this flu. Good thing it is not so hazy today.


unfair advantage

recently I have been seeing advertisements of products touting good performance to gamers, in the form of less lag, less ping, increased accuracy, faster response time etc... with this tagline "gain an unfair advantage over your friends/opponents/enemies" - which led me wondering, why are these services/products unfair? you pay more for your internet connection to get better connections, you buy a better mouse/keyboard to help you aim better... it's not something that your friends/opponents cannot buy, nor is it against any specific rules or ethics of online gaming... It is advantageous to have better hardware to play with, but it is not like using a map-hack, a aimbot or a scriptbot.

in my era (I guess I am old...) when playing as a child, we would shout "Unfair!" if someone was cheating in a game... it usually (almost definitely) has a negative connotation to it. however, if I were to take the marketing tactics into context, youths (/gamers) of today do not think that being unfair or cheating is something bad. In fact, it is a secret desire of them to have an "unfair" advantage over their peers so that they can be superior over them? or how else should I interpret the marketing slogan?

playing games is all about fun and enjoyment. yes I had my share of exploiting exploits... but the fun came from figuring how to exploit the system and not about using cheats and exploits to be #1 in the server... which is why games which are easily exploitable quickly become obsolete from my playing collection... once I figure out the exploits and use the exploits a few times I quickly get bored of the game. On the other hand, skill based games or story based games held my attention much longer than games which just focuses on grinding and grinding and grinding... do the gamers of nowadays think that having the unfair advantage would enable them to derive more pleasure out of the game? I cannot answer for them but my answer would probably be no.

On a side note - I am still very amused by Leticia's insom-nom-nom-nom-nia.

Goodnight world.