
pasta de waraku

is a nice place with nice food! good and fast service too =)

i need to be

patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not proud.
not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, not grudge keeping.
always protecting, always trusting, always hoping, always persevering.



to anyone who knows whoever wherever sells water pumps, needs to be dc operated 12V or below, if battery operated it's ok, if it's AC but the motor is attached to a external transformer it's ok too. budget S$20. pls contact me!

just realised

that i had lost a file yesterday.



has to wait. need to catch up with Airport project, and catch up with Japanese Language. Do not wish to S/U this time...

on the other hand, i want to replay chrono trigger, play radical dreamers (finally had enough patience to find the rom+translation), and replay chrono cross. wonders if my outdated save files still work or not, otherwise cannot play new game+, have to play from scratch.

wonders if anyone out there has a copy of ひぐらしのなく頃に(higurashi no naku koro ni), the game, not the anime. wants to play that too. too bad my japanese is so bad that i cannot even refer to the dictionary properly (it's a text based game...). wonders how good my japanese will be at the end of this sem.


coffee stain!

on my white t shirt which cannot be removed even after applying dynamo directly on the stain. grrr.