

What would it be like - to disappear completely from this world without leaving a trace.
Or to find that - whatever traces of a person that you have known have been completely been erased from existence, even from the memories of those who once knew and interacted with that person.
It may not be an overnight thing, for such things rarely happen in a short space of time, but over time people fade out of existence. Time's ravages, if you will call it that.
And so - would it be your fault for not taking the time to understand that person; for not sharing and asking to share; for not stringing a thread to that person; for not giving memories a chance to take root and grow.
Or would it be - the fault of that person for not reaching out; for hiding behind a veil of secrecy; for withdrawing from attention; for putting on social masks; for failing to open up, sharing life experiences, happiness, sadness, joy, surprises, disappointments, love, wishes, peace, troubles...


some rubbish that i typed out on the way home (edited some more after extraction), after reading 1235 pages of drawings. Such a hassle to transfer from ipod to pc. need to use sqlite3 db manager some more zzz.

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