

in the dark,
in the shadows,
in a corner of the bed.

in public,
in the crowd,
in plain sight.

in fear,
in silence,
in solitude.

from my feelings,
from my thoughts,
from myself.


Ministry of Food!

カキ氷!(if i am not wrong it's like ice kachang - minus the kachang)
いなかlooks interesting too...
for my own reference, so that i won't forget the name and what i want to eat there =p


happy haro-win

but the haro in seed is cuter


forbidden lover

(translation done! pardon the tenses, it's not well done.) (i am like quite unsure of the translation, so feel free to comment.)

あぁ 凍える 暗い海へ
流されてゆく 歴史の波にのまれ

ah, i am cruising in the frozen, dark sea

overwhelmed by the waves of history

やがて 幕は上がり
儚い夢を連れて 争いに火をつける

soon, the curtains will rise,

fighting against the fleeting dream, in strife the flames consume

いつの日に 見失った心は
繰り返す 忘れ去られた罪を
あやまちを育て その汚れた愛で

someday, the lost heart will repeat

a forgotten sin, from which

the guilt of this corrupted love

will build a paradise from these rubble

Forbidden lover 淡い記憶

Forbidden lover, faint recollection

強く抱いても 重なり合えぬ色影

even though i embrace it tightly, the colours wouldn't mix

息をひそめ 誓う

in a silent breath I swear

甘い恋の果ては 予期せぬ時の悪戯

the result of a sweet love is an unexpected prank by time

燃え上がる炎に 取り囲まれ

surrounded by a burning flame

崩れゆく船に 命つかまれ

my life caught in a collapsing ship

怯えた瞳は 天を仰いで

frightened eyes looking up to the heavens

叫ぶ 神の名を

crying out the name of god

空高く舞上がれ この心

this heart dances upon the high skys

渦巻いた 悪い夢より高く

swirling, it rose even higher than a nightmare

解き放つ 貴方へのこの想い

this thought was sent out to you

遠い地へ 輝きを放って

radiating to the distant lands

新たなる国に やがて来る日にも

in a new country, in the coming days,

同じ道を また通るだろうか

will we be passing through the same route?

Forbidden lover...

(lyrics from http://www.geocities.com/jpoplyricstation/LArcenCiel/LArcenCiel.html)



the one who sings for the gundam seed opening (one of them, the one which always gets stuck in my mind)
she has a nice voice! quite unique. i like =)
cannot find the full song yet leh. sad.


pasta de waraku

is a nice place with nice food! good and fast service too =)

i need to be

patient, kind, not envious, not boastful, not proud.
not rude, not self-seeking, not easily angered, not grudge keeping.
always protecting, always trusting, always hoping, always persevering.



to anyone who knows whoever wherever sells water pumps, needs to be dc operated 12V or below, if battery operated it's ok, if it's AC but the motor is attached to a external transformer it's ok too. budget S$20. pls contact me!

just realised

that i had lost a file yesterday.



has to wait. need to catch up with Airport project, and catch up with Japanese Language. Do not wish to S/U this time...

on the other hand, i want to replay chrono trigger, play radical dreamers (finally had enough patience to find the rom+translation), and replay chrono cross. wonders if my outdated save files still work or not, otherwise cannot play new game+, have to play from scratch.

wonders if anyone out there has a copy of ひぐらしのなく頃に(higurashi no naku koro ni), the game, not the anime. wants to play that too. too bad my japanese is so bad that i cannot even refer to the dictionary properly (it's a text based game...). wonders how good my japanese will be at the end of this sem.


coffee stain!

on my white t shirt which cannot be removed even after applying dynamo directly on the stain. grrr.



is refreshingly interesting, has crazy plots and starts and near ends, crazy potluck music (not as crazy as paranoia agent, which is another crazy interesting anime to watch). The 90 minutes felt like 150 minutes, but still catching the attention every moment. Glad i was asked to watch it, thought it would have disappeared from the screens since i saw its trailer dunno how long ago. and it has nice detailed drawings of stuff (other than characters... felt they were a bit too stiff). =)


phone rings

phone (not cell phone) rang twice in lecture. Amusing. Apparently the lecturer wasn't trained to deal with phones ringing in the LT. Let the first call ring for 30+ seconds before picking up the phone. Dunno what happened. Then less than 5 mins later, the phone rang again. This time he let the phone ring away, much to his and our distraction. I wished lecturers would be more amusing and say things like "oh! a call for me?" (however cliche it may be) or whatever, instead of holding their stoic professional (boring) images. bah. should remember this if i ever become a lecturer. Amusing that there is a phone in the LT in the first place. oh well.


post rain night

wisps of clouds, trailing.
shining stars alight, blazing.
soft gentle breeze, breathing.
cool night air, flowing.
residual rain drops, plopping.
black flurry bat, shrieking.
countless unseen insects, chirping.


genesis of next

久し振りの キミの half smile
忘れられず 始まる genesis of next
I can't get you out of my mind
一人たたずむ Please tell me why...
But there's no easy answer

genesis of next
Please tell me! Is this a test?
Hey baby,do you need some help?
You are alone...lonely planet

genesis of next
you just get into
alone on this planet
lonely planet

また覗いた いつものカギ穴
闇にうっすら 自分の影だけ

残ったキズ ボクは癒せず
そこは lonely planet

見つめ合う瞬間 時が止まった
じゃれあう言葉 全てあのまま

時のイタズラ 抱き合いながら
扉を閉めず 飛び出した・・・

I can't get you out my mind

限られた 世界の中
あなたは今 何してるの

瞬間(トキ)を取られ 涙流し

21st century 本当の愛

21st century 本当の愛

探さなくていいからね だから
かけらだけでいいからね そして

逃げてお願い もし今何もかも崩れて
私の吐息さえも 届かなくても
明日を消さずに 生きれるかな
生きれるかな 生きれるかな・・・

赤い 空を 自由に 飛ぶ 鳥が
羽を 休め キミの 側に 眠る
夢の 中で キミを 探し 見つけ
愛しい lonely planet

Devil in my shoes!
You left me alone...and you're gone...

濡れたほほを 風にさらして
星を見上げ 胸に誓う

思い出の歌 口ずさんで
記憶をそっと 束ねていく

優しすぎた 言葉に揺られ
涙流して ほほえみたい

残った傷 ボクは癒せず
そこはlonely planet

限られた 世界の中
あなたは今 何してるの

瞬間(トキ)を取られ 涙流し

本当の愛 懐かしい言葉に迷い
キミは一人で 踊っていた・・・

21st century 本当の愛


探さなくていいからね だから
かけらだけでいいからね そして

逃げてお願い もし今何もかも崩れて
私の吐息さえも 届かなくても

赤い 空を 自由に 飛ぶ 鳥が
羽を 休め キミの 側で 眠る
愛の 中で キミを 探し 見つけ
愛しい lonely planet

甘い 時に 揺られ 空を 眺め
眠る 夜の 雨に 涙 隠し
過去を かばい 痛む 傷を 癒し
明日を 消さずに 生きれるかな・・・

Genesis of Next - Globe

You half smiled for the first time in ages
The unforgettable genesis of next is beginning
I can't get you out of mind
Drifting alone, please tell me why...
But there's no easy answer

Genesis of next
Please tell me! is this a test?
Hey baby, do you need some help?
You are alone... lonely planet

Genesis of next
You just get into
Alone on this planet
Lonely planet

I peered through the same old keyhole once again
But all I could see in the dark was my own faint shadow
I can't heal these wounds that remain
It's a lonely planet

Time stopped the instant we looked at each other
All our playful words were the same
We raced out without even closing the door
Carrying the mischief of those times...

I can't get you out of my mind...

What are you doing now
In that restricted world?
I'm being just a little selfish
Because I've got a craving that I can't cure
Just being alive
Is an extraordinary thing
But jealousy takes up time in the love of lovers
And makes them cry

21st century, true love
This isn't a time to fight
With the guy in the seat next to you
This isn't a place for feeling lonely

21st century, true love
Let's look at the light streaming down
Let's find an image
Let's look for a phrase
It's ok not to search
It's ok if this dream of mine
Is in pieces
And so I want you to give someone love

Run away, please, even if everything falls apart
And nobody hears my sos
Or my sighs
Can I live without wiping out the future?
Can I live, can I live?

The birds that fly free in the red sky
Rest their wings and sleep by your side
In a dream, I search for you and find you
My beloved lonely planet

Devil in my shoes!
You left me alone...
And you're gone...

Exposing my wet cheeks to the wind
I look up at the stars
And make a vow in my heart

I'll quietly gather up
My memories
A nostalgic song

Shaken by your words
So sweet
I cry
Wanting to smile

I can't heal the wounds that have appeared
It's a lonely planet


North, east, south, west
My true love is thrown off balance by those nostalgic words
Now I try to remember
You were dancing alone...


Run away, please, even if everything falls apart
And nobody hears my sos
Or my sighs


Shaken by those sweet times, I gaze at the sky
I cry at the rain that falls in the night as I sleep
Can I protect the past, heal my wounds
And live without wiping out the future?

Long long song, hope to be able to translate songs on my own someday soon.
Credits to http://ls-kuroyami.deviantart.com/journal/?offset=10 for koping their translation.