
86 - senses

they are very funny.
they work together, but yet,
when one or two are down,
the others work harder.
They are also easily tricked.


87 - limbs

blessed with our limbs,
we crawl we run we climb we swim.
taking them for granted,
misusing, abusing, neglecting.


88 - number of wishes

typical stereotypes,
controlling my way of life,
and in turning a blind eye,
finding only that it's the third.


89 - every second matters

alert freshness,
watchful seconds,
tick-tock tick-tock,
restraint order.


90 - the beginning

not a race,
just a journey,
perhaps for eternity.


pockets of freshness

In these still moments, everything seems to stand still
Like a stalemate, nothing ever moves Every non-move frustrates, every minute stretches into
What seem like eternity, with no sign of progression
But beneath the surface, pockets of freshness lies
Waiting to be released, to mingle to mix to bring new life
When the wind starts to blow again