
happy haro-win

but the haro in seed is cuter


forbidden lover

(translation done! pardon the tenses, it's not well done.) (i am like quite unsure of the translation, so feel free to comment.)

あぁ 凍える 暗い海へ
流されてゆく 歴史の波にのまれ

ah, i am cruising in the frozen, dark sea

overwhelmed by the waves of history

やがて 幕は上がり
儚い夢を連れて 争いに火をつける

soon, the curtains will rise,

fighting against the fleeting dream, in strife the flames consume

いつの日に 見失った心は
繰り返す 忘れ去られた罪を
あやまちを育て その汚れた愛で

someday, the lost heart will repeat

a forgotten sin, from which

the guilt of this corrupted love

will build a paradise from these rubble

Forbidden lover 淡い記憶

Forbidden lover, faint recollection

強く抱いても 重なり合えぬ色影

even though i embrace it tightly, the colours wouldn't mix

息をひそめ 誓う

in a silent breath I swear

甘い恋の果ては 予期せぬ時の悪戯

the result of a sweet love is an unexpected prank by time

燃え上がる炎に 取り囲まれ

surrounded by a burning flame

崩れゆく船に 命つかまれ

my life caught in a collapsing ship

怯えた瞳は 天を仰いで

frightened eyes looking up to the heavens

叫ぶ 神の名を

crying out the name of god

空高く舞上がれ この心

this heart dances upon the high skys

渦巻いた 悪い夢より高く

swirling, it rose even higher than a nightmare

解き放つ 貴方へのこの想い

this thought was sent out to you

遠い地へ 輝きを放って

radiating to the distant lands

新たなる国に やがて来る日にも

in a new country, in the coming days,

同じ道を また通るだろうか

will we be passing through the same route?

Forbidden lover...

(lyrics from http://www.geocities.com/jpoplyricstation/LArcenCiel/LArcenCiel.html)



the one who sings for the gundam seed opening (one of them, the one which always gets stuck in my mind)
she has a nice voice! quite unique. i like =)
cannot find the full song yet leh. sad.